Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Questioning Our Judgement

Keeping our judgments from running wild is a major accomplishment. These judgments can alter our perception of the world if we do not hold them up for examination. I am not only referring to how we perceive others, but also how we perceive our own stories that we rarely call into question. We all have little stories in the back of our minds that we repeat over and over until they become a legend about ourselves and we stop questioning them. These stories can come in many types, but the two big ones are either you as the hero or as the victim. Sometimes we weren't as heroic as we thought we were and conversely we weren't the big victim either. We should each examine the stories we tell ourselves and the impact they have on the way we live our lives, the way we perceive who we are. 

And then there is the quick judgement we apply to others not taking a moment to see them as the equals they are. We confuse our judgments with reality. This is not to say we don't judge people and events, but rather that we apply some logic to the process and not simply take the easy route. We don't know the stories of others and we often don't know our own because we have distorted things so much. It takes a lot of effort to discover who you really are, but how many minutes in a given day do we dedicate to actually going through our thoughts and casting most of them aside. Create a new story for yourself and take a few minute to discover the story of another person. You will be surprised. Keep well.

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