Every habit and every faculty is confirmed and strengthened by the corresponding acts, the faculty of walking by walking, that of running by running. If you wish to have a faculty for reading, read; if for writing, write.
So generally, if you wish to acquire a habit for anything, do the thing; if you do not wish to acquire the habit, abstain from doing it, and acquire the habit of doing something else instead.
Discourses of Epictetus
Book 2, Chapter 18
This is the challenge: Pick one thing to stop or start doing
and focus your will on that one thing for 30 days to force it to become a habit or no
longer a habit. Our will is all we have and if we can’t apply it to our own
minds or bodies what are we? If we do not have the control of our will, and its
dedication towards something positive, what are we? If there is one thing that
stands out about our human nature it is that we have a will that we can apply,
that we can direct, that we can use for good. Apply it!
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